Give STL Day:
Support STEM Education

math camp students
math jam camp grads

A $45 donation provides 3 hours of advanced math instruction for a middle school student!


math camp students
working together at math camp
floor puzzle
logic camp challenge
math summer camp attendees
math camp chess
math jam camp grads
math camp group photo

What Is Project MEGSSS?

(Mathematics Education for Gifted Secondary School Students)

Our dedicated, part-time staff makes every dollar work hard for this very special group of kids. Please support us at this turning point in our long history—as we retool for a future that will benefit more math-focused students.

Project MEGSSS was incorporated as a 501(c)3 organization in 1980, the offshoot of a Saint Louis-based, government-funded educational research project.

Based on the Elements of Mathematics, a curriculum designed to enrich and expand the mathematical abilities of middle school students, this unique core program broadens exposure to the world of mathematics and focuses on reinforcing elementary and middle school math concepts and logic in preparation for high-level mathematics in secondary school and college.

Hear From Project MEGSSS Alumni